Daily Poem: Wakers ~ Dorothy Walters

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Wakers ~ Dorothy Walters When some awake, they arrive at a specified place. It has objects, boundaries, things waiting to greet them, things with names. When they rise they walk with assurance into the next room outfitted with cups and saucers and provisions to eat. They have established schedules and are ready to accomplish things. […]

Daily Poem: Cinéma Vérité ~ Dorothy Walters

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Cinéma Vérité ~ Dorothy Walters This road is so fuzzy it is sometimes hard to know whether we are moving or it is moving under us, the scenery jerked along behind like the sets of an old movie; Time Passes. Obviously, we are dressed for a journey. The crude map is in our fist. The […]

Daily Poem: An Answer to Another Persuading a Lady to Marriage ~ Katherine Phillips

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An Answer to Another Persuading a Lady to Marriage ~ Katherine Phillips Forbear, bold youth, all’s Heaven here, And what you do aver, To others, courtship may appear, ’Tis sacriledge to her. She is a publick deity, And were’t not very odd She should depose her self to be A pretty household god? First make […]

Daily Poem: Talking to the Dead ~ Elaine Feinstein

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Talking to the Dead ~ Elaine Feinstein When was it you took up that second stick, and began to walk like a cross country skier? Your glide developed its own politics. Last July, you were able to stretch over like an acrobat, to oil the garden table. The patio faced south. It was high summer. […]

Daily Poem: The Blue Scarf ~ Amy Lowell

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The Blue Scarf ~ Amy Lowell Pale, with the blue of high zeniths, shimmered over with silver, brocaded In smooth, running patterns, a soft stuff, with dark knotted fringes, it lies there, Warm from a woman’s soft shoulders, and my fingers close on it, caressing. Where is she, the woman who wore it? The scent […]
