Daily Poem: A Birthday Present ~ Sylvia Plath

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Today is Sylvia Plath’s birthday (born October 27, 1932), so you get an extra poem this week. A Birthday Present ~Sylvia Plath What is this, behind this veil, is it ugly, is it beautiful? It is shimmering, has it breasts, has it edges? I am sure it is unique, I am sure it is what […]

Daily Poem: All I Ever Wanted ~ Katie Ford

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All I Ever Wanted ~ Katie Ford When I thought it was right to name my desires, what I wanted of life, they seemed to turn like bleating sheep, not to me, who could have been a caring, if unskilled, shepherd, but to the boxed-in hills beyond which the blue mountains sloped down with poppies […]

Daily Poem: Final Autumn ~ Annie Finch

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Final Autumn ~ Annie Finch Maple leaves turn black in the courtyard. Light drives lower and one bluejay crams our cold memories out past the sun, each time your traces come past the shadows and visit under my looking-glass fingers that lift and block out the sun. Come—I’ll trace you one final autumn, and you […]

Daily Poem: Autumn ~ T.E. Hulme

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Autumn ~ T. E. Hulme A touch of cold in the Autumn night— I walked abroad, And saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge Like a red-faced farmer. I did not stop to speak, but nodded, And round about were the wistful stars With white faces like town children.

Daily Poem: Moon from the Porch By Annie Finch

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Moon from the Porch By Annie Finch Moon has dusks for walls, October’s days for a floor, crickets for rooms, windy halls. Only one night is her door. When I was thirteen she found me, spiralled into my blood like a hive. I stood on a porch where she wound me for the first time, […]
