Daily Poem: The Lake in the Rain ~ J.R. Solonche

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The Lake in the Rain ~ J.R. Solonche The lake in the rain remembers when it was the rain and quietly cries in the depth of its sleep, which, if you carefully listen, sounds like rain on a lake.

Daily Poem: Paper Fortune Teller ~ James A. Clark

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Paper Fortune Teller ~ James A. Clark If I could fold myself back on myself again and again, if I could turn the whole thing over and fold it backward, backward, back to the beginning, I’d write your name under every flap and every day I’d tell myself This is my fortune.

Daily Poem: Imaginary Conversation ~ Linda Pastan

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Imaginary Conversation ~ Linda Pastan You tell me to live each day as if it were my last. This is in the kitchen where before coffee I complain of the day ahead—that obstacle race of minutes and hours, grocery stores and doctors. But why the last? I ask. Why not live each day as if […]

Daily Poem: Old Woman with a Walker – H. Edgar Hix

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Old Woman with a Walker ~ H. Edgar Hix She wears her life like she wears her lipstick: broad, too bright, and of her own volition.

Daily Poem: Far ~ James Owens

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Far ~ James Owens He sees it is hard now not to be scattered among shadows, and the memory of voices that calls him back also calls him away, as broken as the air broken into snow or weeping now and hands heavy with broken sunlight, hands full of shards.
