Poem: Interlude ~ Amy Lowell

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Interlude ~ Amy Lowell When I have baked white cakes And grated green almonds to spread upon them; When I have picked the green crowns from the strawberries And piled them, cone-pointed, in a blue and yellow platter; When I have smoothed the seam of the linen I have been working; What then? To-morrow it […]

Poem: The Night Dances ~ Sylvia Plath

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The Night Dances ~ Sylvia Plath A smile fell in the grass. Irretrievable! And how will your night dances Lose themselves. In mathematics? Such pure leaps and spirals – Surely they travel The world forever, I shall not entirely Sit emptied of beauties, the gift Of your small breath, the drenched grass Smell of your […]

Poem: In Spite of Everything, the Stars ~ Edward Hirsch

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In Spite of Everything, the Stars ~ Edward Hirsch Like a stunned piano, like a bucket of fresh milk flung into the air or a dozen fists of confetti thrown hard at a bride stepping down from the altar, the stars surprise the sky. Think of dazed stones floating overhead, or an ocean of starfish […]

Poem: Today I asked my body what she needed ~ Hollie Holden

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Today I asked my body what she needed ~ Hollie Holden Today I asked my body what she needed, Which is a big deal Considering my journey of Not Really Asking That Much. I thought she might need more water. Or protein. Or greens. Or yoga. Or supplements. Or movement. But as I stood in […]

Poem: The Well ~ Denise Levertov

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The Well ~ Denise Levertov At sixteen I believed the moonlight could change me if it would. I moved my head on the pillow, even moved my bed as the moon slowly crossed the open lattice. I wanted beauty, a dangerous gleam of steel, my body thinner, my pale face paler. I moonbathed diligently, as […]
