Poem: In Flanders Fields ~ John McCrae

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In Flanders Fields ~ John McCrae In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were […]

Poem: October Trees ~ Howie Good

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October Trees ~ Howie Good I see them out my window, grinning, angelic, committed to the outrageous thing, to be alive in spaces that are designed to kill them.

Poem: A Meeting ~ Steve Klepetar

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A Meeting ~ Steve Klepetar i Because times were bad, I think he came to comfort me on an October day filled with light. ii He had been gone so long into that silent world that his face was gray, his hands wrinkled and cold. iii He spoke softly, and his words rose like smoke […]

Poem: Mabon ~ Annie Finch

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Mabon By Annie Finch For Mabon (fall equinox), Sept. 21 Our voices press from us and twine around the year’s fermenting wine Yellow fall roars Over the ground. Loud, in the leafy sun that pours Liquid through doors, Yellow, the leaves twist down as the winding of the vine pulls our curling voices— Glowing in […]

Poem: Late September ~ Amy Lowell

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Late September ~ Amy Lowell Tang of fruitage in the air; Red boughs bursting everywhere; Shimmering of seeded grass; Hooded gentians all a’mass. Warmth of earth, and cloudless wind Tearing off the husky rind, Blowing feathered seeds to fall By the sun-baked, sheltering wall. Beech trees in a golden haze; Hardy sumacs all ablaze, Glowing […]
