Poem: Let Them Not Say—Jane Hirshfield

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As we celebrate Independence Day here in the US, we can keep in mind the work we’ve done, and the work still to be done, to make this truly the melting pot nation our textbooks said it is. Let Them Not Say —Jane Hirshfield Let them not say: we did not see it. We saw. […]

Poem: How Many Temptations I Pass Through—Patrizia Cavalli

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How Many Temptations I Pass Through —Patrizia Cavalli How many temptations I pass through crossing between the bedroom and the kitchen, between the kitchen and the toilet. A spot on the wall, a piece of paper fallen on the floor, a glass of water, a glance out the window, hi to the neighbor, a pat […]

Poem: Threshold—Maggie Smith

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(this one is done as a screenshot, because WordPress would *not* keep the spacing intact, and it’s an important part of the poem) Threshold ——Maggie Smith

Poem: Your Names—Zelda Schneurson Mishkovsky

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Your Names —Zelda Schneurson Mishkovsky Translated from the Hebrew by Marcia Lee Falk Each of us has a name given by God and given by our parents Each of us has a name given by our stature and our smile and given by what we wear Each of us has a name given by the […]

Poem: How Dark the Beginning—Maggie Smith

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How Dark the Beginning —Maggie Smith All we ever talk of is light— let there be light, there was light then, good light—but what I consider dawn is darker than all that. So many hours between the day receding and what we recognize as morning, the sun cresting like a wave that won’t break over […]
