Filed Under Admin | Comments Off on Posting Resumes
I’ve been offline for most of the past ten days. It’s been a difficult time for my family, with two deaths bracketing the end-of-year holidays, and traveling for my grandmother’s funeral. I’m back in town, and back at my desk, so posting will resume on January 9, 2018. Thank you for your patience during the […]
Filed Under Admin | Comments Off on A Short Vacation
I’m offline (way, way offline in the 16th century!) through Monday, May 15. Regular postings will resume on May 16. Thanks!
Filed Under Admin | Comments Off on Just So We’re Clear
This is a representation of Loki, from the Norse myths: This is a photo of Tom Hiddleston, a highly talented British actor: who plays a comic book character called Loki in movies created by Marvel Comics, and who has very little to do with the traditional Norse God: As adorable as Mr. Hiddleston is (and […]
Filed Under Admin | Comments Off on My New Patreon Page!
I have taken the plunge into the seas of Patreon! I’ve set my Creator Page, and am ready to fly! If you’re not familiar with Patreon, it’s an online community where people can support artists who are creating interesting work—writing, painting, comics, movies, whatever you can think of—by making small (or large!) monthly payments to […]
Filed Under Admin | Comments Off on A Daily Opportunity
Nothing is so often irretrievably missed as a daily opportunity. ~ Marie von Ebner-Eschenback Some experiences are rare, perhaps even once in a lifetime—the chance to compete in the Olympics, or to see the competition in person. When those opportunities arise, we surprise ourselves with our ability to gather resources and devise plans to make […]