Daily Poem: Long Time Coming ~ Daphne Marlatt
Long Time Coming
~ Daphne Marlatt
Sea hood , snail, born with a caul on his head,
tumbles in weedy medium of snow. Semen falls as
dizziness, sink back to head tail snail ob-
ects, weeds to catch at his shell like hair,
cilia he put his foot on now grabs hold. eye
feeling thru rain
am not down. water runs down
the windowpane i face. disaffections. might order
a new order as water waves its snail pace . . .
snared in a diver’s hold i come up for breath
around & over our heads the sound of moss fingers
our eaves. melt. snow purple at eyes’ level
swallows from view. two. in a cell. i keep coming
up for breath, crackle of light fragments, genes,
‘as if there were anything but’
love orders another order of mosses, snows, in all
thus iridescent coal.