Daily Poem: The Heart of a Woman ~ Georgia Johnson

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The Heart of a Woman ~ Georgia Douglas Johnson The heart of a woman goes forth with the dawn, As a lone bird, soft winging, so restlessly on, Afar o’er life’s turrets and vales does it roam In the wake of those echoes the heart calls home. The heart of a woman falls back with […]

Daily Poem: Wine ~ Raymond Carver

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Wine ~ Raymond Carver Reading a life of Alexander the Great, Alexander whose rough father, Philip, hired Aristotle to tutor the young scion and warrior, to put some polish on his smooth shoulders. Alexander who, later on the campaign trail into Persia, carried a copy of The Iliad in a velvet-lined box, he loved that […]

Community Altar for November 2017

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November 11 is commemorated in many western countries as Armistice Day, Remembrance Day, Veterans’ Day, or by a similar name. The original day was established in observance of those who had served in World War I, at the time called “The War to End All Wars”; now in the US, it is a day to […]

Daily Poem: Ordeal ~ Nina Cassian

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Ordeal ~ Nina Cassian I promise to make you more alive than you’ve ever been. For the first time you’ll see your pores opening like the gills of a fish and you’ll hear the noise of blood in galleries and feel light gliding on your corneas like the dragging of a dress across the floor. […]

Daily Poem: Lament ~ Gerda Mayer

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Lament ~ Gerda Mayer Youth my youth you lie dead your vi olent vi olet passions and follies your silly green hopes crushed your grey wind that roared through the world pricked and de flated your gold-hoofed high blood slug gish and te thered your hys terical fountains dry whilst I sit in my e […]
