The World Dancer Spread
The World card can be difficult to interpret when it comes up. This spread can help you better understand the World card as it usually appears in Rider-Waite-Smith style decks.

RWS 1910 Popular Deck
World Dancer Spread
Separate the deck into five piles – the Majors and each Suit. Shuffle each pile so the cards are in random order.
Card 1 corresponds to the foot that is down, and is pulled from Pentacles. This is what grounds you.Separate the deck into five piles – the Majors and each Suit. Shuffle or mix the cards in each pile so that they are in random order.
Card 2 corresponds to the staff/scroll in the right hand, and is pulled from the Swords. This is the mental energy that pulls you.
Card 3 corresponds to the scroll in the right hand, and is pulled from the Cups. This is the emotional energy that propels you.
Card 4 corresponds to the crown, and is pulled from the Wands. This is the spiritual energy that guides you.
Card 5 corresponds to the dancing figure, and is pulled from the Majors. This represents the archetypal energies to tap into to move forward.