Loki Look-Alike
This is amazing. Found on Tumblr.
This is amazing. Found on Tumblr.
Pandora’s Box ~ Eva Mae Hamilton You were born and the box opened and they would not go back in and it was not just one thing but everything— a seam rip- per rending right up the middle, a lit- tle tear down the side, another spot worn to translucence, the fabric woven so carefully […]
Witness ~ Denise Levertov Sometimes the mountain is hidden from me in veils of cloud, sometimes I am hidden from the mountain in veils of inattention, apathy, fatigue, when I forget or refuse to go down to the shore or a few yards up the road, on a clear day, to reconfirm that witnessing presence.
The Northern Traditions are filled with tales of brave adventurers sailing forth for raid and trade, while the stalwart homesteaders courageously defend the land for the return of the adventurers. Everyone is stout, hearty, bold, and brave! Um, yeah. It does take a particular strength of character to say “sure, I’m going to leave […]
Originally posted on One Sentence Poems: Adult Yiddish ~ Maia Evrona Language I taught myself with a textbook that my ancestors learned in the womb.