Draw for April 7, 2017

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for April 7, 2017
Active Influence: Bestla/Ten of Coins
Rune: Os/The God Voice
Hidden Influence: Utgard-Loki/The Emperor
Bestla reappears in the Active Influence position (She was there Wednesday as well), reinforcing your confidence and reminding you of your strengths. Utgard-Loki is today’s Hidden Influence, and also appeared in the Weekly Insight as the Active Influence for the week. Mind your manners, and mind your business carefully—trust in the Gods, but tie your ship.
Os is all about listening closely and speaking clearly. Messages are coming at you from all directions—the Gods, other people, signs and symbols all around—filter out what is not helpful, and find the sound in the noise. Speak clearly and as eloquently as you can—even if you don’t think of yourself as an orator, today you have the words, and the right way to use them, to make your point.