Draw for April 5, 2017

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for April 5, 2017
Active Influence: Bestla/Ten of Coins
Rune: Erda/Earth
Hidden Influence: Asvid/Hierophant
Whatever is on today’s agenda, you are more than equal to the tasks and challenges—as well as the joys. Bestla, the Mother of Odin, and thus the Mother of the Aesir, is shown with Her throne marked with Berkana, Nauthiz, and Perthro. She encourages you to take the chance on growth, on new opportunities, to help you find what you need. Bestla tells you that you have skills and resources, so now is the time to act.
Erda, the Earth Mother, reinforces the message of mothering—that is, take care of yourself. Whatever is going on, no matter how busy you are, you need to take the time to eat properly, drink plenty of water, and nurture your body and soul.
Asvid brings in the esoteric wisdom and personal knowledge you need today. He also brings a message of caution to accompany the Perthro on Bestla’s throne—take reasoned chances, not wild ones. Partial progress is better than a setback.
Be wise in all ways, and take prompt action when the opportunity arises.