Draw for April 23, 2017

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for April 23, 2017
Active Influence: Vafthrudnir/Two of Swords
Rune: Algiz/Protection (reversed)
Hidden Influence: Mundilfari/Six of Wands
You have A Big Question on your mind, and no easy or clear answer to it. Much importance attaches to the answer, and you are taking the pressure to heart in an unhealthy way. You feel vulnerable in this position, and worried that, no matter what you decide, it will be the wrong choice. Mundilfari reminds you that you have the ability to move through space and time; that is, you can consider different actions and project the consequences of those actions into the future. Both cards are even numbers; this is the time for contemplation, not action.
You may feel overwhelmed and unprepared, but you have what you need to make a good decision and follow through with right action at the right time.