Draw for April 19, 2017

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for April 19, 2017
Active Influence: Skadi/Justice
Rune: Berkana/Rebirth (reversed)
Hidden Influence: Bolthorn/Two of Wands
Bolthorn returns in the same position as Monday. You are still feeling the itch of unresolved issues, unfinished business. However much you want to wrap things up, the Universe has its own timetable. Skadi will see that Justice is done; be patient and work with Her—it will go much better if you do things on Her timetable and in Her way. Berkana indicates a block or obstacle of some kind. Today may not go as planned. Do your best to come up with Plan B, and keep doing what you can do while the Universe does its part.