Draw for April 15, 2017

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for April 15, 2017
Active Influence: Mjol/Eight of Wands
Rune: Kenaz/Torch (reversed)
Hidden Influence: Rym/Ten of Wands
Rym returns as the Hidden Influence for the third day in a row. Dude, give us all a break, will you? Kenaz reversed indicates you may be feeling tired of it all, or unsure of your next steps. Mjol brings a sense of time passing, of things rushing by, and that everything must be dealt with right now. That’s just a feeling; the truth is you have time to catch your breath and make a plan. You still have much to do today, but you do not have to buy into an artificial sense of urgency or importance about anything you are dealing with. Stay grounded in objective facts and let mental clarity guide you through the day.