Draw for March 7, 2017

March 7, 2017 | Filed Under Uncategorized | Comments Off on Draw for March 7, 2017
The Giants' Tarot, Raven Kaldera

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Draw for March 7, 2017
Active Influence: Nine Maidens of the Mill/Nine of Coins
Rune: Wunjo/Joy (reversed)
Hidden Influence: Fenja & Menja/Two of Coins

Work, work, work. Today is ALL about the work—for starters, both cards are in the suit of Coins. Fenja and Menja appear in their own card, signifying hard work to reach a goal. They are also two of the Nine Maidens of the Mill, who are responsible for creating iron, salt, and sand, among other things necessary to keep the world spinning. So, yes, work, work, work. Focus, focus, focus.

Wunjo reversed indicates the seriousness of what you are doing today. It doesn’t mean you can’t take joy in your work, or take pride your accomplishments, or that you can’t reward yourself for your efforts. It emphasizes the message of the cards, stated so eloquently by Peter Ustinov, “It is our responsibilities, not ourselves, that we must take seriously.”

Get your priorities straight, and get to work.

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