Draw for February 8, 2017

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for February 8, 2017
Active Influence: Fenris/The Devil
Rune: Erda/Earth (reversed)
Hidden Influence: Laufey/The Empress
Things are already complicated. Don’t make them worse by giving into self-destructive impulses and self-sabotage. Continuing on your path and focusing on your work may feel like more than you can do, or seem pointless. That’s your Inner Critic, and it needs to just shut up now.
Laufey reminds you that self-care is your primary task today. Take time to eat something that’s good for you and that tastes good; get up and stretch instead of staying stuck at your desk; drink lots of water and stay hydrated. If you’re feeling stuck, write a motivational quote on a note card and carry it in your pocket, and look at it every 20 minutes when you get up to stretch.
Take care of yourself, so you can take care of your dreams.