Draw for February 6, 2017

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for February 6, 2017
Active Influence: Nott/The Star
Rune: Nauthiz/Need
Hidden Influence: Grid/Knight of Coins
Nott returns for the third time in recent draws, encouraging you to keep focused on what you need to do to make the changes you know are necessary. You are off to a good start, even if not a fast start. Grid offers the practical knowledge and tools necessary to do the work ahead. Accept them with gratitude, and make real effort to learn and to do the work.
Sigyn is present in Nauthiz, reminding you that self-care is an essential component of self-respect. You can’t do your best if you’re not at your best, so include time in your schedule for rest and play, as well as the work you are doing.
Half-hearted attempts yield half-hearted results, and you don’t have time for a do-over. Make decisions, take action, and keep focused on your goals.