Draw for February 22, 2017

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for February 22, 2017
Active Influence: Fenris/The Devil
Rune: Wolfsangel/Hook
Hidden Influence: Bestla/Ten of Coins
You must deal with your shadow. Wolfsangel is the symbolic representation of the hook used to catch wolves in medieval times. While the historical wolfsangel killed the wolf, you are not going to slay your inner wolf; you are going to draw the wolf out of the darkness and make peace with it. It’s not an easy process, or a quick one, but you must begin this shadow work before the wolf breaks free and wreaks havoc on your life. Bestla tells you that you have the strength and skills to work with the wolf, and to rely on those with more experience for guidance and support as you do this work. You cannot do this alone.