Draw for February 2, 2017

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for February 2, 2017
Active Influence: Hreimdar & Ottar/Five of Coins
Rune: Chalc/Chalice
Hidden Influence: Nott/The Star
Your sorrow and grief are real, and you must let yourself express them so you can move on. Take the weregild, and take the time you need to heal your pain.
Nott and Chalc are both reminders that, however painful today is, things will get better. Nott brings hope and healing, the gentle inspiration and soothing one finds when looking at the star-filled night sky. Let Her energies help you heal.
Chalc is the holy chalice, the cup that contains your dreams and goals. Chalc also inspires you to remember those dreams, and helps you to find new energy and inspiration to make them reality.
Today is tough, but you will get through it, and tomorrow has much potential.