Daily Poem: I Drink the Wine ~ Zeb-un-Nisa

February 10, 2017 | Filed Under Poem for Hela | Comments Off on Daily Poem: I Drink the Wine ~ Zeb-un-Nisa

Sometimes, the poem and the draw, in spite of being randomly done, sync up perfectly. Today is one of those days. Not only does the poem relate to the Gunnlod/Two of Cups card in its subject, but the author herself was a princess kept captive and excluded from society by her own father, just like Gunnlod.

I Drink the Wine
~ Zeb-un-Nisa (also known as Makhfi)
Translated by Paul Whalley

I drink the wine of Thy sweet lips. My star
Mounts to the zenith now that Thou art come.
My heart and eyes are Thine, mine eyes that feed
Upon Thy motions. Sleep is sin to-night.
Thine eyebrow is the Easter moon, Thy face
The lamp of heaven. Rapture fills the sky
And all the erewhile darkness is at once
Illumined, for the Moon of my desire
Gives the full goblet, pledging me,—and all,
Sun, moon and firmament are mine to-night.

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