Bindrune to Draw on Family Strengths
If you are new to working with bindrunes, I suggest you read the introductory bindrune post here, then return to this post to read about this specific bindrune. Remember that working with bindrunes, as with working with any kind of magic, does not carry guaranteed results, and may produce results quite different from what you expect.
In the United States, we have a fierce cult of the individual. (This is not a new phenomenon; Alexis de Tocqueville wrote extensively about it in his books Democracy in America, published in 1835 and 1840.) This creates many positive effects, such as encouragement to be one’s authentic self and to pursue one’s own idea of happiness, yet it also can create feelings of isolation from community, and trick us into thinking that we must do everything by our own powers and with only our own resources. While many of us have learned to be part of a community and to create our own family of choice to compensate for less-than-stellar childhood experiences, we do not draw upon the positive gifts of family due to emotional trauma or other difficulties.
This bindrune helps you connect with your family of origin and the positive inheritance that is yours by right of direct family connection, whether by blood and birth, as well as through fosterage or adoption.

Bindrune of Othala, Mannaz, Stan
Othala (green in bindrune): Othala represents your inheritance, both material and intangible. All that your ancestors have passed to you—your genes, your body, your traits and strengths, your hamingja—all these are contained in Othala, and are the foundation of your life.
Mannaz (blue in bindrune): Mannaz is the rune of the Self. This is you, your best, truest, most completely authentic Self, anchored in the strength of Othala.
Stan (grey in bindrune): Stan represents the keystone, the crowning achievement of your efforts, and emanates from you as Mannaz.
You could put a drop of rosemary oil to help focus your mental energies, or a drop of your favorite oil on it to reinforce the energy with your personal scent. You can also use a magical oil, such as a hoodoo oil or other type of specially prepared oil.
We all have family stuff to deal with, even if we grew up in healthy, happy homes. There’s always some shadow or unresolved issues to deal with. But even the most dysfunctional family carries some positive energies, and this bindrune can help you cut through what is harmful so that you can connect with, and draw upon, the positive inheritance that is yours.
Use this bindrune—and all bindrunes—entirely at your own risk.