Draw for January 7, 2017

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for January 7, 2017:
Active Influence: Olvalde & Sons/Eight of Coins
Rune: Wendhorn/Cycles
Hidden Influence: Beli/Knight of Swords
Focused efforts continue to pay off. You may find yourself in a position to share knowledge or teach skills, paying forward what was given to you. They cycle of learning and teaching never ends; there is always something to learn, and something to share.
Not all of your students may be happy about learning in general, or learning from you in specific. They may find reason—valid or not—to debate every point and argue every step. Your job is to keep things focused so that those who do want to learn, can do so. The angry one will not stop trying to pick a fight, so do your best to defuse the situation from the start.