Draw for January 22, 2017

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for January 22, 2017
Active Influence: Narvi & Vali/Ten of Swords
Rune: Teiwaz/Justice (reversed)
Hidden Influence: Loki/The Magician
People can be cruel, and life can be painfully unfair. Bad things happen to good people, and really awful people get away with murder (sometimes literally).
Loki appears in the Ten of Swords as the father witnessing the heartless destruction of His children, powerless to prevent it, unable to comfort His wife, and about to be cast into His own particular cave of despair and pain. That’s how you feel right now.
It sucks your soul, it breaks your heart, it sends you out of your mind with grief and rage and countless other emotions that arise and erupt.
Teiwaz is connected to Tyr, who sacrificed his sword hand to bind Fenris, who happens to be one of Loki’s children who was also taken from His parents by Odin’s direct command. Your sacrifices may appear to be in vain. Give things time; it’s too soon to tell.
There is hope. Loki as The Magician also appears as the Hidden Influence. There is within you a resilient, creative, clever spirit, fired by imagination, filled with determination, and driven by the instinct for self-preservation. Those will carry you through.
May the Gods be with you, today and every day.