Draw for January 20, 2017

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for January 20, 2017
Active Influence: Hrungnir/Seven of Wands
Rune: Raido/Journey
Hidden Influence: Loki & Thor/Seven of Swords
Arguments, greed, treachery, and lies. Battles to defend what is yours, or to take back what was stolen from you. Victory, if it is to be yours, will be yours—at a cost. The Wands and Swords are equal numerically, so it all comes down to who has the best plan and moves fastest to enact it.
Today’s energies are strange and difficult. No matter how far-fetched the notion of winning may seem, defend your boundaries, fight the good fight, and do your best. Enlist the aid of others who have time, energy, ideas, or other resources to share. If you can’t beat your opponent, make them work hard for their wrongful win, and do what you can to make them miserable in their victory.
Trickery may be your most useful tool today, but use it only if there is no other way to defend yourself.
Be prepared for strange turns and twists in today’s tale, and know that, no matter what, this day will end, and tomorrow all of this will be but a memory.