Draw for January 2, 2017

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for January 2, 2017:
Active Influence: Fenja & Menja/Two of Coins
Rune: Wendhorn/Cycle
Hidden Influence: Gunnlod/Two of Cups
Fenja and Menja are starting the year by reminding you to focus on your work when you are working, so you can play when you are playing. Take your responsibilities seriously, fulfill them timely and to the best of your abilities, so that when you have time to play and to relax, you can play and relax without worrying about the work. The two Coins and the two Cups balance each other perfectly.
Wendhorn emphasizes the cyclical nature of time. We cannot do everything at once, and events repeat: wake up, go to work, eat supper, do homecaring, relax. If you focus on the action at hand during its time, you are free to focus solely on the next action during its time.