Draw for January 12, 2017

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for January 12, 2017
Active Influence: Fenris/The Devil
Rune: Ior/Jormundgand, Boundaries
Hidden Influence: Gunnlod/Two of Cups
Ior returns from yesterday’s reading, emphasizing the continued need for strong and well-defined boundaries. Keep out what is not yours to deal with, and do not inflict on others what is properly yours to manage.
Odin returns as well, and in chronological order pf the story of His theft of the Mead of Poetry. Yesterday, we saw him as the serpent in the Hidden Influence; today, again in the Hidden Influence card, He has invaded Suttung’s secret treasure vault. Having resumed an Aesir form, he woos Gunnlod in order to steal the Mead of Poetry. She’s been locked away in this vault by herself for years, so she is more susceptible to the charms of this random visitor than she might otherwise be. Likewise, you may have a vulnerability you’re not aware of that makes others think they can take advantage of you. If someone is making wild promises, keep your emotions in check and bide your time.
Fenris (Jormundgand’s sibling, just to add another layer of connection) is the Active Influence. Today, think carefully before taking action. Be honest with yourself about your motives, and what is actually driving your behaviors. We all have the monster within who threatens to break free and wreak havoc, and we all have to learn to deal with that monster in a way that relieves the pressure without destroying the world. If someone is directing their Fenris energy at you, call upon Jormundgand to reflect it back to them.