Draw for January 10, 2017

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for January 10, 2017:
Active Influence: Gjalp & Greip/Five of Wands
Rune: Isa/Ice
Hidden Influence: Hrimthurs/Three of Coins
Yes, the Sisters of Disruption have returned for the day. I’m thrilled, and doubtless you are as well. Then there’s Loki disguising Himself as a mare to distract Hrimthurs’ horse, Svadilfari, without whom Hrimthurs cannot complete his work. Isa can dazzle and distract us with the light reflecting from the ice, so we don’t realize how thin the ice really is until we drop through and find ourselves in the fast-flowing, freezing water.
Beware of those who do not have your best interests at heart, and, if you are plotting to pull one over on someone, it’s more than likely that you will be the one who falls through the ice. Just play nicely with others today.
Do your best to focus on your work, and not get pulled into others’ dramas and distractions. And don’t be the person causing the dramas and distractions, either.