Draw for December 6, 2016

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for December 6, 2016:
Active Influence: Gjalp & Greip/Five of Wands
Rune: Ul/Transition (reversed)
Hidden Influence: Farbauti/The Tower
Ul appears again today, reversed this time. The work you started yesterday may come to an abrupt halt due to disagreements with others involved, or due to external circumstances. Changes you can’t control may erupt today. While you can’t control the events, you can control how you respond to them. Let others freak out if they must; focus your attention on what you can do. That may be nothing more than removing yourself to a place of safety until the Tower finishes falling. Keep your wits about you, and if all you can manage today is to stay out of harm’s way, consider it a day well spent.