Draw for December 20, 2016
Draw for December 20, 2016:
Active Influence: Kolga/Six of Cups
Rune: Isa/Ice
Hidden Influence: Ymir/The Fool
As we observe the Winter Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere tonight, this draw, with its emphasis on melting ice, is quite timely. For those in the Southern Hemisphere, think of it as reminder to use the heat of the summer you’re currently experiencing to create change.
Kolga and Ymir both represent the thawing of some kind of ice—emotional, psychological, spiritual, or material—that has kept you captive. As that ice thaws, it reveals things we may have forgotten, whether memories, knowledge, or skills. Some of what is revealed may be surprising and/or shocking. Since you don’t know what is going to appear, the best way to prepare is to remain open-minded and flexible. This is not a time to stay stuck in absolutes of “this must”. Be open to unexpected possibilities, and give your creativity the top billing in the energies you bring to deal with what is revealed.
Isa reminds you that underneath the ice is a flowing river of energy, and it’s there for you to tap into as you explore your new world. The water is crisp and cold, but that just means you’re awake and aware as you discover what the ice reveals.