Draw for December 19, 2016

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for December 19, 2016:
Active Influence: Hati & Skoll/The Chariot
Rune: Wunjo/Joy
Hidden Influence: Mimir/The Hanged Man (drawn) and Bergelmir/Six of Swords (volunteer)
Hati & Skoll are nipping at your heels, urging you to get a move on with whatever it is you’re supposed to be doing. Things are happening quickly, and you have to deal with what is happening. You may not have much control over outside events, so focus on what you can control—which is your response to those events.
The Hanged Man coming up as the counter influence to the Chariot is one of those, “um, wait” moments. How can everything be moving at Chariot speed if you’re stuck in the Hanged Man’s place of non-action? Hint: see first paragraph.
Bergelmir/Six of Swords came out of the deck as I drew Mimir/The Hanged Man, so we have extra energies in the Hidden Influence position. Bergelmir is shown in the small boat he used to lead his people to safety during the flood created when Odin, Vili, and Ve killed Ymir. Bergelmir echoes the energy of the Chariot—outside events require you to respond, rather than simply react. Take what is most important—there is no room for baggage, either physical or emotional.
Wunjo is the bright spot anchoring the draw. Whatever is going on, there are still small joys and simple pleasures to lighten dark times. Embrace them, appreciate them, and let them buoy you through this challenging passage.