Draw for December 14, 2016

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for December 14, 2016:
Active Influence: Loki, Angrboda, & Sigyn/The Lovers
Rune: Os/ The God Voice (reversed)
Hidden Influence: Groa/Nine of Wands
I admit—I pulled the Five of Wands out of the deck before I shuffled today, and suggested to the contentious sisters that they go get their nails done and have a massage, relax a bit. Because I really didn’t want to see them today. Cheating? Perhaps. Do I care? Not today.
The Lovers card is not without its conflicts, however. Like Loki attempting to balance his relationships between his two very different wives and sets of children, you are pulled in different directions, which may appear irreconcilable. Instead of either/or, however, see if you can find a way to create a both/and situation. You may not be able to do everything you want in both spheres, but there’s probably a way for you to do enough in each to keep the peace, internally and externally.
Groa says that, while the balancing act may be more work than you feel you can handle, you won’t know unless you try. You will need to keep strong boundaries around your time and energy, and move forward in confidence that you are equal to the task.
Os reversed is a caution to pay attention. You are being sent messages, and you are not hearing them. Listen to those who have something to teach (here we come back to Groa), and you will save yourself a great deal of time and pain. Remember that you have one mouth for speaking and two ears for listening, and act accordingly.