Bindrune to Bring Fire
If you are new to working with bindrunes, I suggest you read the introductory bindrune post here, then return to this post to read about this specific bindrune. Remember that working with bindrunes, as with working with any kind of magic, does not carry guaranteed results, and may produce results quite different from what you expect.
This is not a bindrune for beginners, either those new to bindrunes, or those new to working with magic. If this rune doesn’t scare you at least a bit, you are not ready to use it.
This rune brings in fire for righteous destruction. My current goal: smash the patriarchy.

Bindrune of Sowelu, Teiwaz, Cweorth
Sowelu (left tile, gold in bindrune): This is the light of the sun, blinding your adversaries. This is the heat of the sun, burning down false structures. This is the intensity of the sun, revealing the lies and the liars who tell them, releasing the truth that has been held back for too long.
Teiwaz (center tile, brown in bindrune): The rune of Tyr, justice, and honor. Tyr does what is right for the greater good, regardless of the personal cost. Tyr will require you to do the same when you invoke Him. Also, Tyr will not fight for a bad cause, so if you call upon Him to help you do wrong, it will absolutely not work and you absolutely will regret it.
Cweorth (right tile, red in bindrune): The fire-twirl that starts the flames that feed the funeral pyre. All the tools of the oppressors, and the oppressors themselves, burn to ash.
The bindrune on the left was done in colored pencil. The one on the right was done with fine point calligraphy markers. They are shown in two different media to give an idea of how the same bindrune looks different depending on how it is created.
You could put a drop of cinnamon oil or other fiery oil to amplify the energy. You can also use a magical oil, such as a hoodoo oil or other type of specially prepared oil.
Sometimes the Tower needs help to finish burning. This rune will do the job.
Use this bindrune—and all bindrunes—entirely at your own risk.
Thank you for sharing this with us! And you’re right in that this bindrune should create at least some fear in one who considers using it.
That said, I’d love your opinion on replacing Cweorth with Pertho to create a bindrune for exposing lies and birthing the new; or perhaps, adding Pertho to this exact configuration for the same purpose? The latter option might be a close representation of the Ouroboros, symbolizing the end and the beginning being the same.
Hi, Laurel – I’m glad you found it interesting! For me, using Perthro instead of Cweorth would bring in an element of chance (I see Perthro more as a dice cup than a chalice, cauldron, or womb), so I would be extra-diligent in my creation of the bindrune, as I’d want to invite in only the helpful elements of randomness.
For reading Perthro as the chalice, cauldron, or womb, then yes, it would bring in the energies for birthing the new. I hadn’t considered that when I created this bindrune—it was created as a way to bring about the end, because I was so fed up and frustrated with the situation (and have become more so in the course of the years).
Clearly, what I need to do is to create a companion bindrune to create auspicious circumstances for the new world *after* the fire. I will contemplate, and see what I come up with.
Thank you for the ideas, and for taking the time to comment!