Draw for December 4, 2016

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for December 4, 2016:
Active Influence: Rym/Ten of Wands
Rune: Raido/Journey (reversed)
Hidden Influence: Gerda/Page of Coins
Your to-do list may seem endless. It may, in fact, be endless. It may be filled with many things that are actually the responsibilities of others, but have landed on your agenda Because Reasons. Don’t waste energy or time being frustrated at the unfairness of the situation, or the irresponsibility of others, or feeling overwhelmed.
Do your work, one thing at a time. Giant leaps forward are not today’s plan; checking off the little things, one by one, making slow and steady progress is how it’s going to go.
Gerda reminds you that everything is done at the right time, and the right results happen at the right time. You can’t make a plant grow faster, so don’t pressure yourself to do more than can be done.