Just So We’re Clear
This is a representation of Loki, from the Norse myths:

Loki, by Arthur Rackham
This is a photo of Tom Hiddleston, a highly talented British actor:

Tom Hiddleston, BAFTA 2015
who plays a comic book character called Loki in movies created by Marvel Comics, and who has very little to do with the traditional Norse God:

MCU Loki as played by Tom Hiddleston
As adorable as Mr. Hiddleston is (and I do have a serious fangirl crush on him), and as fun as the MCU movies are, when I say I worship Loki, I mean this:

Loki by Arthur Rackham
and not this:

MCU Loki as played by Tom Hiddleston
Good talk. Glad we cleared this up.