Draw for November 25, 2016

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for November 25, 2016:
Active Influence: Mimir/The Hanged Man
Rune: Os/The God Voice
Hidden Influence: Bestla/Ten of Coins
With a Major Arcana card as the Active Influence today, you really need to heed Mimir’s message. There may not be much you can do to change the big things, so do what you can with the small things, and with your internal work. Bestla says you have what you need to make it through in good shape, so release those worries and focus that energy on putting your physical house in order. Is there something in your environment that needs cleaning, repair, or some kind of attention? This is a good day for that.
The rune is the key element here. The Gods are speaking, giving advice and suggestions and perhaps warnings. Heed Them, and do the personal work you need to do to be ready for the shift that will come when Mimir’s influence passes.
Lastly, Bestla is the mother of Odin. Loki is present in Os, and Odin is present in Bestla’s card. If you have stuck energies around parent issues (either your own parents, or your role as a parent), this is a good day to work on those emotions. It may not be pleasant, but it will be worthwhile.