Draw for November 20, 2016

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for November 20, 2016:
Active Influence: Angrboda/The High Priestess
Rune: Sowelu/Sun
Hidden Influence: Sigyn/Temperance
For the second day in a row, both cards in the draw are Major Arcana. Things Are Going On, and you must deal with them directly and honestly. Sowelu brings in the light of the sun for clarity, and the energy of new beginnings, to support you at this time. Angrboda tells you that you have the strength and skills you need, and that delay is not acceptable—or possible. Sigyn reminds you that balance is the key to progress, and that your prior coping mechanisms and ideas about workability no longer apply. Both Goddesses are showing you the path to change; take notes and then take action.