Draw for November 19, 2016

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for November 19, 2016:
Active Influence: Mimir/The Hanged Man
Rune: Sol/Sun
Hidden Influence: Fenris/The Devil
There may not be much you can do to control, or even influence, the external circumstance. Sol says you need to take the light and go down to the cave to see your demons. You don’t have to heal them instantly on your first visit; simply looking them in the eyes and learning their names is a good start. You must visit them and tend to them, however, before they break free and manifest in your conscious life in destructive ways.
One other thought: shadows are always larger than the actual object which casts them. When you shine the light directly on the object, you may find that, instead of a monster, you find a small, scared, wounded creature. One which can still bite, but one which you can connect to and heal more readily. Or one that isn’t wounded at all, but doesn’t know how to present to and interact with the larger world.