Draw for November 15, 2016

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for November 15, 2016:
Active Influence: Nidhogg/Strength
Rune: Fehu/Material Wealth
Hidden Influence: Asvid/The Hierophant
Your way of being in the world is up for examination today. Your work, your home, your daily habits add up to your life. Are you spending your time on what matters to you? Are you spending your money on things that add to your life, or things that take from your life? Money is made by using time to do work, so the money you spend is also you directly spending your life energy. If you find you’ve wandered from your authentic path, today is a good day to consider how to regain your footing. Both influences are Major Arcana cards, so change is required; make your choices instead of having them made for you.