Bindrune to Create Disruption
If you are new to working with bindrunes, I suggest you read the introductory bindrune post here, then return to this post to read about this specific bindrune. Remember that working with bindrunes, as with working with any kind of magic, does not carry guaranteed results, and may produce results quite different from what you expect.
This is an intense and unpredictable rune. It is most definitely NOT a rune for someone new to magic and/or bindrunes.
I actually created and photographed the current series of bindrunes back in September. I had no idea they would turn out to be so timely.
This bindrune helps you set up protective boundaries so you can create disruption for good reason. The status quo not working? Here’s a way to create a disturbance on a metaphysical level to create the space you need to create a disturbance on a physical level.

Bindrune of Algiz, Hagalaz, Thurisaz
Algiz (left tile, brown in bindrune): Algiz creates a protective boundary to guard the space you are using to excite the chaos.
Hagalaz (center tile, black in bindrune): Hagalaz is the hail storm, the unexpected and swift-striking disruption. This is the chaos principle, its unexpected energies and unpredictable results.
Thurisaz (right tile, red in bindrune): Another protective boundary rune, it also serves as a defense in the event of an energetic attack.
You could put a drop of cinnamon oil to raise the energy level. I would not recommend using your favorite oil on it to reinforce the energy with your personal scent, as this is not a rune of personal working, and you don’t want to draw these energies to you personally. You can also use a magical oil, such as a hoodoo oil or other type of specially prepared oil, to boost the power of the bindrune.
Just remember that what goes around comes around, and getting what you wish for may not manifest exactly the way you had in mind.
Use this bindrune—and all bindrunes—entirely at your own risk.