Bindrune to Let Go and Be Remade
If you are new to working with bindrunes, I suggest you read the introductory bindrune post here, then return to this post to read about this specific bindrune.
For some spirit workers, their call to divine service is a gradual transition from their old life to their new life. For others, there’s a radical shift, both internal and external, that strikes with the swiftness of lightning. I created this bindrune to help someone going through an intense and profound change. The first variant is for someone on a path of gradual transition. The second variant is for someone who is navigating an abrupt (and usually unexpected) change of direction.

Bindrune to Let Go and Be Remade, Variation #1: Ear Mannaz Berkana
Ear (black rune, far left tile): The rune of Hela, the grave, and the slow transition from death to rebirth. Ear strips away what you no longer need.
Mannaz (dark blue rune, middle tile): The rune of the Self. This is your true nature, your divine essence, your authentic way of being in the world, living your Wyrd with courage, grace, and honor. Be true to yourself, be true to your Gods, and you will always be on your best path. Mannaz centers you in your authentic and best Self.
Berkana (green rune, right tile): The rune of rebirth. Green, growing things; the energy of spring; new life, new hope, new purpose. Berkana supports your growth along your new path.

Bindrune to Let Go and Be Remade, Variation #2: Cweorth, Mannaz, Berkana
The second variant puts Cweorth (red rune, left tile) in place of Ear. Cweorth is the rune of the fire-twirl, the tool that starts the flame which consumes all in its path. Like Ear, Cweorth strips away what you no longer need, but it is a sudden, and quick, removal. Cweorth is often seen as the funeral pyre, and if you feel your life has gone up in smoke, the energies of this rune can help you find your footing quickly.
The bindrune on the left in each photo was done in colored pencil. The one on the right in each photo was done with fine point calligraphy markers. They are shown in two different media to give an idea of how the same bindrune looks different depending on how it is created.
You could put a drop of sage oil to reinforce the energies, or a drop of your favorite oil on it to reinforce the energy with your personal scent. You can also use a magical oil, such as a hoodoo oil or other type of specially prepared oil.
Let go, and be remade.