Draw for October 18, 2016

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for October 18, 2016:
Active Influence: Hevring/Four of Cups
Rune: Ansuz/Messages
Hidden Influence: Gjalp & Greip/Five of Wands
Beware of cranky sisters wielding sticks. People are spoiling for a fight today (which may be carried over from October 15, when the sisters appeared as the Active Influence), and you may not be able to defuse the situation. Whatever the nominal subject of the disagreement, the energy released is going to trigger grief and sorrow, possibly over unrelated losses. Your subconscious is sending you a message about what you really need to be dealing with now. Do your best to retreat safely so you can deal with your emotions. The other party will calm down tonight, and you can sort things out with them tomorrow. For today, deal with your own stuff.