Draw for September 26, 2016

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw for September 26, 2016:
Active Influence: Thrym/King of Swords
Rune: Ior/Jormundgand, The World Serpent
Hidden Influence: Garm/Nine of Swords and Hela/Death (These two pulled out of the deck together. Let us take a moment to appreciate the fact that Garm is the hound who guards Hela’s realm from intruders.)
Today calls for calm, focused intellectual activity as the guiding energy. No drama, no trauma. You need to be calm, clear, and rational when considering options and making decisions. Set firm boundaries, and respect others’ boundaries. What you need to bring into the light of rational thought could be quite messy and shapeless, so you need to be firmly in control of your thought processes as you move through the day. A sacrifice is required and cannot be delayed or avoided. Make the choice calmly and with intention.