Draw for June 8, 2016

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera
Draw June 8, 2016: Active Influence—Glut, Einmyria & Eisa/Three of Wands; Chalc, reversed; Hidden Influence—Gunnlod/Two of Cups.
Today is a strange mix of energies. The joy and freedom of the Three of Wands is tempered by the emptiness of the reversed Chalc rune and the mix of promises made and broken in the Two of Cups.
Gunnlod moves from yesterday’s Active Influence to today’s Hidden Influence. Again, be aware of the consequences of making promises, and enter into agreements with full awareness of what you are offering and what is being offered to you. The empty chalice of the reversed Chalc cautions against overpromising based on expected resources; pledge only what you know you have.
Glut and her daughters as the Active Influence lighten the mood considerably. Whatever is going on, or whatever isn’t happening the way you want it to, there are still good things to acknowledge, appreciate, and celebrate. In the midst of the demands of the day, take time to enjoy what is good and pleasing.