Draw for May 9, 2016

Draw May 9, 2016
Draw May 9, 2016:
Active Influence—Aegir/King of Cups; Rune—Yr; Hidden Influence—Olvalde & Sons/Eight of Coins.
Your work yesterday was a good start, says the reading. Keep going!
Aegir tells you to behave as a good king—be rational in your thinking, honest in your emotions, and fair and just in your conduct. Treat everyone with respect and kindness; your behavior is being noticed, and this is your chance to set a positive example for those who are struggling.
Yr brings in the focus of the archer. Absolute and undisturbed concentration on your work while you are working is essential to accomplishing your tasks. While you are working, work; when you are done for the day, allow yourself time to rest and play. Allowing yourself to be distracted at work, even by seemingly fun, shiny objects, is not a delay you can afford today.
Olvalde is Aegir’s master brewer, teaching his craft to his own sons. Today you can learn through teaching, and teach through learning. Do not fall into the mindset that you know everything. You always have something to learn, whether a basic skill, a set of facts, or a subtle technique which turns your creation from a useful object to usable art.
Take time to do things right the first time, pay attention to details, and reward yourself at the end of the day for a job well done.