Draw for May 8, 2016

Draw May 8, 2016: Ymir/The Fool; Ziu; Gefjon/Ace of Coins
Draw May 8, 2016: Ymir/The Fool; Ziu; Gefjon/Ace of Coins.
Ziu throws a lightning bolt to jolt you into action. Take that energy and focus it, laser-sharp, on what you truly need to be doing today. Not what you want to do, not what you would like to do, but what you need to do today to start that new project, begin solving that old problem, to create the new life you have been longing for.
Ymir as the Active Influence understands that you are at the start of your journey, and may not have a clear map from here to there. However, if you don’t set forth, you can’t arrive. So start, already.
And just in case it wasn’t obvious already, Gefjon as the Hidden Influence says you need to do the work. Just do it. Today is the only chance you have to do things today, and you can’t do tomorrow’s work if you haven’t finished what you needed to do to lay the groundwork today.
Get started, and get on with it!