Draw for May 7, 2016

Draw May 7, 2016
Draw May 7, 2016: Loki, Angrboda & Sigyn/The Lovers; Othala; Geirrod & Loki/Eight of Swords.
You have choices, but none of them particularly good. Geirrod & Loki as the Hidden Influence make it clear that you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t, so you might as well. This may be a case of it being easier to ask forgiveness than to receive permission, or maybe you’re just in a difficult situation, and the least awful choice is the best you can do. Whatever it is, you will have to make amends and make repairs later, so be prepared for that outcome going into the situation.
The emphasis on choice is strengthened with The Lovers as the Active Influence. Loki’s wives are very different in temperament and character, and he is a very different person with each of them. You can have both, you can do a yes/and rather than an either/or choice, as long as you are willing to do the work to maintain both. Consider carefully the compromises which are necessary, and be certain you can live with them.
Othala brings some encouragement. The rune tells you to look at your inheritance fully, both the positive and negative qualities. Converse with your ancestors to see if they have any helpful advice. Even if they don’t, you may be able to transform their unworkable ideas into a doable solution.
Choose wisely, in full awareness of the consequences and requirements of your choice.