Draw for May 3, 2016

Draw May 3, 2016: Bestla/Ten of Coins; Cweorth; Gunnlod/Two of Cups
Draw May 3, 2016: Bestla/Ten of Coins; Cweorth; Gunnlod/Two of Cups.
Nature burns her forests and fields when they become overgrown. The land is renewed, and life again grows lush and luxuriant.
Today, consider what in your life is overgrown. Cweorth is the rune of the funeral pyre, and consumes all it is given, reducing it to ash. Cweorth reinforces the readings of the last two days—you must give up something in order to move on. You cannot remain where you are, and you cannot move forward under the weight of what you are carrying. Choose, and consign it to the flames. Remember, too, that fire is a wild energy, and if unwatched, will leap forward and burn everything in its path. Watch the fire with care, and be prepared for some collateral damage.
Gunnlod as the Hidden Influence suggests emotional connection, and at the same time cautions against trickery. (You can read Elizabeth Vongvisith’s wonderful telling of Gunnlod’s tale here.) You need to be honest about your motives, and be aware that whoever you are dealing with may not have told you their entire story. Proceed with eyes wide open, and if you must agree to an unsatisfactory bargain, do so knowingly and accepting of the consequences.
Bestla offers encouragement and a reminder that all things are possible. Don’t get too hung up on probability just now; today, it’s all about the possibility. The tree is heavy with coins bearing the Othala rune, reminding you that the wisdom, work, and wealth (of all kinds) of your ancestors is a solid foundation for you to do your own work. The wooden throne bears the runes Nauthiz, Perthro, and Berkana; Bestla tells you to figure out what you truly need, and then take the chance to achieve that goal through right action and growth.
Let go of what no longer matters, and focus on the way forward.