Draw for May 12, 2016

Draw May 12, 2016
Draw May 12, 2016: Active Influence— Narvi & Vali/Ten of Swords; Rune—Algiz (reversed); Hidden Influence—Fenja & Menja/Two of Coins.
Take a deep breath. Today is going to be challenging on many levels, and you need to keep your focus on what you can do, rather than what is being done to you.
There is no happy spin to this spread. The treachery and abuse of power in the Ten of Swords sets a grim tone that colors the day to its end. Be on the lookout for those who would use you—and sell you out—for their own gain. Be aware of your own conduct as well. Are you voluntarily and knowingly complicit in actions that you know are unethical, or just flat out wrong? Be mindful of your own motivations.
Fenja and Menja were originally enslaved to the magical mill Grotte and its owner, and forced to work to exhaustion to satisfy the greed of others. Each time, the result was the death of the greedy owner. Ultimately, Fenja and Menja freed themselves through hard work, and tell you that you must do the same. No one is going to rescue you; you need figure out your own way. It may not be easy, and it may not be fast, but you can free yourself.
Algiz reversed carries two ideas. First, your defenses may be lower than is necessary; if so, take action to shore them up. The other is that, reflecting the pairings of the other cards (Narvi and Vali, Loki and Sigyn, Odin and Thor, Fenja and Menja) that you will need a partner to deal with things today. Not merely an advisor or mentor, but someone who will get down in the trenches with you and dig with the same energy and determination you have. Choose wisely, however; choose from a place of careful consideration, rather than just joining up with the first person you meet.
Be cautious, be cooperative, and keep focused on your work.